Crypto is a Win-Win Situation: A Life-Changing Opportunity

There are two different ways to look at Crypto, the old-fashioned way and the early adopter way.

7 min readMay 15, 2021

There are two different ways to look at Crypto, the old-fashioned way and the early adopter way.

First of all, you can look at Crypto as a way to make money — secondly, you can look at Crypto as money itself, and programmable money which is even better.

No matter how you look at it, Crypto is the opportunity of our lifetimes, and if you’re alive and reading this now, then you probably won’t face a better chance to strike it rich as in today’s world.

First of all, we’re experiencing the surge of something world-changing. On the other hand, we’re experiencing a huge crisis that makes everyone be fearful.

When everyone’s fearful, that’s the best time to make a killing.

Normal guys are becoming millionaires, millionaires are becoming billionaires, and in the near future, you’ll see some billionaires (the old guard) become normal guys once again as they latch on to the old statism backed system for far too long.

But do you want to know why Crypto is such a life-changing opportunity?

Read below…

Two Different Ways to Look at the Opportunity: Life-Changer Either Way (Win-Win)!

I already told you what the two different ways to look at Crypto are — either you see them as a way to make money (FIAT), or you see them as money itself.

Well, if you see them as a way to make money, you’re probably just concerned about how much FIAT you can squeeze out of crypto — this is great for you because you’ll able to squeeze out increasingly more.

  • As FIAT is inflationary and is going through hard times, you’ll see your crypto being worth more and more USD or your country’s equivalent to it.
  • As Crypto blooms and matures, you’ll see tokens get harder to get, and their value increases, making you earn more USD per token you make.

The only thing you need to know in this case is that you should never leave your positions completely, because as crypto gets expensive it gets harder to get in, obviously.

If you’re working with no investment whatsoever — such as many in Read.Cash, Steem, and so on — then you’ll probably start seeing more USD per hour you work, so you’re prone to have a great future in the short-term as FIAT is still central.

However, if you look at Crypto as money in itself, you’ll have huge crypto stacks, well above those who are constantly selling — again, like the majority of you in Read.Cash — but you’re maybe going to have a harder time until crypto isn’t more widely accepted.

This is a short-time obstacle for some, but rest assured that this mid to long-term vision pays off, as you are going to be sitting on a huge pile of riches if you make the right picks.

Investing in things before they make your life easy is one of the most well-rewarded things in the markets, and real visionaries are those who can see there are huge rewards to reap in an industry before everyone else.

Either way, as you can see, it’s a win-win.

Whatever your goal is with crypto, chances are you’ll get it — if you do proper research and avoid dumb mistakes… such as DOGE or BTC.

Earn Money for Your Efforts: No Better Time to Become Rich, Especially With the COVID Craze!

I know some of the people reading my posts do look at the end-game for crypto, but I also know the vast majority is trying to better their living conditions now… some are even in crypto for their survival — and there’s nothing wrong with this.

I know how cruel the system can be in some countries. I have friends in Venezuela who are safe thanks to crypto and crypto alone.

Well, for those of you trying to earn a living online with crypto — rest assured you can earn an insane amount of money for your efforts.

Earning money online has never been easier — I should know, I started blogging 7 years ago.

I can get really well-paid gigs. I’m talking hundreds of dollars per article, but know that I am realistically on the top paid ghostwriters worldwide — that’s right, I didn’t tell you about this detail before, but I sign non-disclosure agreements and sell articles to popular blogs so their bloggers can sign them.

Some don’t even have bloggers at all and just create personas.

It’s a fairly common thing.

Most of you, if working in mainstream blogging, can earn anywhere from $0.005 to $0.01 per word.

This is INSANELY LOW when compared to what you get here on Read.Cash for example.

And this is if YOU manage to get clients, or write for others, because if you don’t, chances are you won’t have the SEO Skills to attract the traffic you need to your blog… and in that case, you will earn zero, no matter how many articles you write.

Recently, I’ve been dropping some of my clients and focusing on Crypto, which may be considered risky as I’m still trying to set up my presence and my source of income is Marc and the RandomRewarder — but it’s my passion.

However, most of you aren’t risking your careers — you’re doing this as a side-gig or as a hobby… and you’re making way more than you would make if you were out there in the normal market.

Believe me, this platform, noise cash, Steem, Hive, and all of the crypto platforms that allow you to earn crypto DESTROY anything in the FIAT blogosphere by far for those who are inexperienced or just write as a side-gig.

You can make a tremendous amount of money in crypto when compared to FIAT — and this is true for almost every industry.

Then you have two other factors to consider:

The previous factors allied with these two make it so everything is set up for you to be rewarded for your efforts like never before.

It’s easy…

…money is raining everywhere!

Finite Supply Tokens with Real Use Cases: Stake Your Claim!

Now, there’s a catch.

With every opportunity, comes a threat, and this time the threat has to do with where you allocate your investment.

Cryptos you should avoid are those with:

If you don’t go for finite supply tokens with real use cases, you’re just a speculator like those who are gambling with BTC.

Yes, I call investing in BTC gambling — there are no fundamentals in that.

Normal Guys Become Millionaires, Millionaires Become Billionaires:

Normal guys are being allowed to work hard and smart, becoming rich in the process.

I never earned so much money in my life… my crypto investments are making me top dollar and that is also partially why I’m working so damn hard to become a top content producer in the cryptoverse.

You see, I am one of the top mainstream content producers… but those clients and those contacts mean nothing here.

It feels like if I’m starting from scratch.

However, even if I consider myself just a starter around here (not just ReadCash but Crypto in General), I’m still making a killing.

I diversify and expand my portfolio, which I can discuss if there’s interest, and I think I may run the risk of becoming a millionaire…

…but every day more millionaires are born thanks to crypto, and we already saw how Vitalik became a financial beast thanks to his vision and work.

Millionaires are also getting the chance to expand like never before. People like our own Marc grew in a world with 3–5% APR assets…

…but now they have access to triple-digit APR assets and more.

Life just became an easy mode for those who had the vision to get into crypto, and they are growing exponentially because of that.

In conclusion, no matter how rich or poor you are, you can turn your life around with Crypto and improve your position in life not just substantially but also exponentially.

Crypto is a win-win for adopters, a lose-lose for those staying out of it.

Embrace Crypto.

Renounce Statism.

“The Future is Now Old Man!”


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BCH Enthusiast, Investor, and a man of many words… some ill-placed. Tip and Follow Me at: